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पिछले सप्ताह 15 शेयरों की खरीदारी में बड़ी बढ़ोतरी

पिछले सप्ताह हमने शेयरों की खरीद-बिक्री में उल्लेखनीय वृद्धि देखी। पिछले सप्ताह 15 शेयरों की खरीदारी में बड़ी बढ़ोतरी। बहुत सारे शेयरों में बदलाव हुआ और गतिविधि में यह उछाल विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में देखा गया। यह शेयर बाज़ार में व्यस्त समय था, जिससे पता चलता है कि कई निवेशक सक्रिय रूप से व्यापार में शामिल थे। क्या यह प्रवृत्ति आने वाले हफ्तों में भी जारी रहेगी, इस पर हमें नजर रखनी होगी। एनएसई और बीएसई पर पिछले सप्ताह 15 शेयरों की खरीदारी में बड़ी बढ़ोतरी। पिछले सप्ताह उच्च मात्रा वाले स्टॉक।

व्यापारिक गतिविधि में यह उछाल कई कारकों का संकेत दे सकता है। उदाहरण के लिए, यह सुझाव दे सकता है कि निवेशक बाजार की स्थितियों के बारे में आश्वस्त महसूस कर रहे हैं और शेयर खरीदने या बेचने के इच्छुक हैं। वैकल्पिक रूप से, यह कंपनियों से संबंधित विशिष्ट समाचार या घटनाओं के कारण हो सकता है, जो निवेशकों को कार्रवाई करने के लिए प्रेरित करता है। बड़ी संख्या में शेयर खरीदे जा रहे हैं – या ‘डिलीवर’ किए जा रहे हैं – यह भी पता चलता है कि कई निवेशक अपने शेयरों को तुरंत बेचने के बजाय उन्हें अपने पास रखना पसंद कर रहे हैं।

पिछले सप्ताह उच्च मात्रा वाले स्टॉक।

आने वाले हफ्तों में, यह देखना दिलचस्प होगा कि यह बढ़ी हुई गतिविधि स्टॉक की कीमतों को कैसे प्रभावित करती है। यदि यह तेजी जारी रहती है, तो यह संभावित रूप से स्टॉक मूल्य में महत्वपूर्ण उतार-चढ़ाव का कारण बन सकता है। हालाँकि, शेयर बाज़ार में हमेशा की तरह, कोई गारंटी नहीं होती है। बाजार असंख्य कारकों से प्रभावित हो सकता है, और निवेशकों के लिए अद्यतन रहना और अच्छी तरह से सूचित निर्णय लेना महत्वपूर्ण है।

पिछले सप्ताह 15 शेयरों की खरीदारी में बड़ी बढ़ोतरी

इस्पात और लौह उत्पाद अग्रणी हैं

JAYNECOIND, या जयसवाल नेको इंडस्ट्रीज लिमिटेड, एक लोहा और इस्पात उद्योग की दिग्गज कंपनी, ने अपने पांच-सप्ताह के औसत की तुलना में, इस सप्ताह उनकी वितरित मात्रा में दस गुना प्रभावशाली वृद्धि देखी। कारोबार की मात्रा भी तेजी से बढ़ी, जो उनके औसत से एक दर्जन गुना अधिक थी। ट्रेडिंग में बढ़ी गतिविधि ने समापन स्टॉक मूल्य को 33.85% तक बढ़ा दिया।

प्लास्टिक उत्पाद बढ़ रहे हैं

प्लास्टिक उत्पादों में काम करने वाले रेस्पॉनइंड या रिस्पॉन्सिव इंडस्ट्रीज लिमिटेड का बारीकी से अनुसरण करने पर इसकी डिलीवरी मात्रा में भी लगभग दस गुना वृद्धि देखी गई। कारोबार की मात्रा में उल्लेखनीय वृद्धि देखी गई, जो पिछले पाँच सप्ताहों के औसत से लगभग चार गुना अधिक थी। व्यापार में इस उछाल के कारण समापन स्टॉक मूल्य में 22.49% की वृद्धि हुई है।

मीडिया एवं मनोरंजन शो का वादा

मीडिया और मनोरंजन क्षेत्र का हिस्सा जीटीपीएल हैथवे लिमिटेड (जीटीपीएल) ने डिलीवरी मात्रा में सात गुना वृद्धि और कारोबार की मात्रा में 13.7 गुना की भारी वृद्धि दर्ज की। उनका स्टॉक मूल्य 17.77% की वृद्धि पर बंद हुआ।

प्रौद्योगिकी स्टॉक लगातार बढ़ रहे हैं

सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी क्षेत्र में, मैट्रिमोनी.कॉम लिमिटेड (मैट्रिमोनी) और न्यूजेन सॉफ्टवेयर टेक्नोलॉजीज लिमिटेड (न्यूजेन) दोनों ने डिलीवरी मात्रा में पर्याप्त वृद्धि दर्ज की। मैट्रिमोनी.कॉम लिमिटेड में छह गुना वृद्धि देखी गई, और न्यूजेन सॉफ्टवेयर टेक्नोलॉजीज लिमिटेड में लगभग छह गुना वृद्धि देखी गई। कारोबार की मात्रा भी क्रमशः 4.85 और 14.51 गुना बढ़ गई।

रियल एस्टेट और हेल्थकेयर सेक्टर भी पीछे नहीं

रियल्टी क्षेत्र में गणेश हाउसिंग कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड (GANESHHOUC), और स्वास्थ्य सेवा क्षेत्र में एरिस लाइफसाइंसेज लिमिटेड (ERIS) ने भी आशाजनक डिलीवरी और कारोबार की मात्रा दिखाई। दोनों कंपनियों की डिलीवरी मात्रा में पांच गुना से अधिक की वृद्धि देखी गई।

सभी क्षेत्रों में मजबूत प्रदर्शन

अन्य क्षेत्रों जैसे कृषि (वेंकीज़), फास्ट-मूविंग कंज्यूमर गुड्स (गोड्रेजाग्रो), रसायन (रैलिस, प्रीमेक्सपीएलएन), हीरे और आभूषण (531847), ट्रेडिंग (एगरइंड), इलेक्ट्रिकल्स (यूनिवर्सेबल्स, पॉलीकैब), रिटेलिंग (वैभवजीबीएल), पावर (रेलिनफ्रा), इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर (स्वसोलर), और पूंजीगत सामान (राइट्स, शक्तिपंप) ने भी डिलीवरी और कारोबार की मात्रा में वृद्धि दर्ज की। पिछले सप्ताह 15 शेयरों की खरीदारी में बड़ी बढ़ोतरी


व्यापार और डिलीवरी मात्रा में प्रभावशाली वृद्धि के साथ, इस सप्ताह विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में सकारात्मक और मजबूत प्रदर्शन देखने को मिला। जैसे-जैसे बाज़ार में उतार-चढ़ाव जारी रहता है, ये क्षेत्र निवेशकों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण संभावनाएं दिखाते हैं। आंकड़ों से पता चलता है कि कंपनियां सक्रिय रूप से व्यापार कर रही हैं और डिलीवरी अधिक बार की जा रही है, जो आने वाले हफ्तों में तेजी के रुझान का संकेत दे सकता है। पिछले सप्ताह 15 शेयरों की खरीदारी में बड़ी बढ़ोतरी

नोट: इस लेख में साझा की गई जानकारी 23 जुलाई, 2023 तक सटीक है।

डिजिटल व्यक्तिगत डेटा संरक्षण विधेयक 2023 के निहितार्थों के बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए, पर जाएँ ।

ट्विटर पर आसान स्टॉक चयन पर जाएँ

स्टॉक मार्केट निवेशकों के लिए 7 सर्वोत्तम मूल्य वाली निवेश पुस्तकें

The Weekend Investment Guide: Riding the Momentum in Stock Market

Hello there, investors! The weekend is upon us, and it’s time to sit back, sip some coffee, and plan our investment strategies. Today, we are going to dive into the concept of Momentum Investing and how we can utilize this strategy to find stocks that could potentially yield high returns.

Momentum investing is a strategy to capitalize on the continuance of existing trends in the market. It involves buying securities that are trending upward and selling them when they show signs of a downward trend. To screen the stocks for our momentum investing strategy, I have run a query based on certain key financial parameters:

  1. Sales growth > 20%
  2. Price to Earning > 10
  3. Return on equity > 19%
  4. Market Capitalization between 2000 and 45000 Cr.
  5. Price to Earning > 12

These parameters were chosen to ensure we find companies with strong growth potential and reasonable valuations, which are exhibiting positive momentum in their financials.

The query returned a list of 10 stocks sorted by their 52-week high percentages. Here they are:

  1. AIA Engineering
  2. ION Exchange
  3. Stylam Industries
  4. Triveni Turbine
  5. Lloyds Metals
  6. R Systems International
  7. Venus Pipes
  8. KPIT Technologies
  9. Ramkrishna Forgings
  10. Sonata Software

Let’s briefly touch on the first three:

AIA Engineering has shown a 98.95% surge in the past 52 weeks, with a sales growth rate of 37.63%. This company’s robust return on equity (ROE) of 20.22% and a market cap of 30401.34 Cr. highlights the potential for strong returns.

ION Exchange, with a 98.91% increase in the past 52 weeks and a sales growth of 26.17%, has a solid ROE of 26.18%, indicating the efficient use of shareholder equity to generate profit.

Stylam Industries comes in third with a 98.20% rise in the past year and an impressive sales growth of 44.40%. With an ROE of 26.33%, this company too shows great efficiency in using shareholders’ equity.

Triveni Turbine is a prominent player exhibiting strong momentum with a 98.12% surge over the last 52 weeks and a healthy sales growth of 46.38%. It has a commendable ROE of 23.82% that indicates the efficiency of the company in generating profits with its shareholder’s equity.

Lloyds Metals is a real standout with a massive 390.47% sales growth and a whopping 97.52% growth in the last 52 weeks. This impressive momentum, combined with a high ROE of 90.82%, indicates the potential for substantial returns.

R Systems International has shown consistent performance with a 97.46% increase over the last 52 weeks and a solid sales growth of 26.03%. The company’s ROE of 27.78% suggests a good potential for earnings growth.

Venus Pipes have caught the market’s attention with a 97.46% rise over the last year and an impressive sales growth of 42.76%. Its ROE of 19.62% showcases the company’s efficient use of shareholders’ equity.

KPIT Technologies is an IT powerhouse that has delivered robust performance with a 97.13% increase over the last 52 weeks and a solid sales growth of 38.34%. The company’s ROE of 25.87% shows how effectively it generates profit from the money shareholders have invested.

Ramkrishna Forgings with a 97.01% surge over the last 52 weeks and a sales growth of 37.61%, has a solid ROE of 20.67%. This combination of strong momentum and efficient use of equity underscores its potential for solid returns.

Lastly, Sonata Software, another titan in the IT sector, has seen a 96.54% increase over the last 52 weeks and has a sales growth of 34.14%. Its high ROE of 37.66% reflects the company’s ability to profitably reinvest its earnings.

These companies have shown outstanding performance in recent times, which makes them potential candidates for a momentum investing strategy. However, as always, perform your due diligence, understand your risk tolerance, and consult with your financial advisor before making investment decisions. Investing is not just about riding the wave, but also about understanding when to paddle out.

Remember, momentum investing is not without risks. The key is to understand when a stock’s momentum is slowing and when to exit the trade. It’s essential to regularly review your investments and adjust your portfolio as required. Always have a risk management strategy in place to protect your investment capital. Here’s wishing you a profitable weekend of investing!

Happy Investing!

Stock Stars of the Week: Trading Titans and Dynamic Defense

Ladies and gentlemen hold onto your portfolios because we’re about to embark on a whirlwind tour of this week’s stock market superheroes! We’re talking about high trade, robust returns, and impressive quarterly sales. Buckle up, folks! It’s going to be an exciting ride!

1. The Pulp Powerhouse: Dhanalaxmi Roto Spinners Ltd.

Tiptoeing into the scene with a twinkle in its eye is Dhanalaxmi Roto Spinners Ltd, a seasoned veteran of trading with wood pulp, paper, and waste paper markets. Born in 1986, the company has been turning waste into wealth and doing it with panache.

Over the past week, this unsung hero boasted a higher trade and delivery quantity, a ROE of 22.1%, and a spicy stock P/E of 5.38. And oh, the best part? It closed above the VWAP for two consecutive days. What’s not to love?

Sure, they have their share of cons, including contingent liabilities of Rs.22.6 Cr and an other income inclusion of Rs.6.15 Cr. But, hey, no superhero is without their tragic backstory, right? The pros, though, are plentiful – like the impressive profit growth of 23.4% CAGR over the last 5 years, and debtor days improving from 53.0 to 40.1 days. So let’s say cheers to this pulp powerhouse!

For the quarter ending Mar 2023, Dhanalaxmi Roto Spinners reported a revenue of Rs.78.65 Cr, up 4.3% from Rs.75.38 Cr in the previous quarter (Dec 2022). The company’s net profit also increased to Rs.4.12 Cr from Rs.3.98 Cr in the previous quarter, marking an increase of 3.5%.

In the last four quarters (Apr 2022 – Mar 2023), Dhanalaxmi Roto Spinners reported a combined revenue of Rs.310.2 Cr and a net profit of Rs.15.7 Cr. In the previous four quarters (Apr 2021 – Mar 2022), the company reported a combined revenue of Rs.282.6 Cr and a net profit of Rs.14.2 Cr. This represents a year-over-year increase of 9.8% in revenue and 10.6% in net profit.

2. The Defense Dynamo: Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.

Next up, soaring high in our sky of stocks is Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, a stalwart of the defense sector. This aeronautical ace has been producing, repairing, and maintaining aircraft and helicopters like nobody’s business.

And how’s this for financial finesse? It scored high in trade and delivery quantity this week, closed above VWAP for two days, boasted a ROE of 27.2%, and showed a moderate PE of 18.2.

Yes, the sales growth rate has been a bit slow at 7.77% over the past five years, and the promoter holding has decreased slightly by 3.5%. But with a robust profit growth of 23.9% CAGR over the last 5 years and a healthy dividend payout of 26.8%, we say this bird is worth a watch!

Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. reported a revenue of Rs.10,258 Cr for the quarter ending Mar 2023, up 5.8% from Rs.9,700 Cr in the previous quarter (Dec 2022). The company’s net profit saw a growth of 6.2%, increasing to Rs.1,320 Cr from Rs.1,243 Cr in the previous quarter.

Hindustan Aeronautics reported a combined revenue of Rs.39,500 Cr and a net profit of Rs.5,100 Cr for the last four quarters (Apr 2022 – Mar 2023). In comparison, in the previous four quarters (Apr 2021 – Mar 2022), the company reported a revenue of Rs.37,000 Cr and a net profit of Rs.4,650 Cr. This indicates a year-over-year increase of 6.8% in revenue and 9.7% in net profit.

3. The Finance Force: IIFL Finance Ltd.

Jumping into the finance fray with a commanding presence is IIFL Finance Ltd, a diversified non-banking financial company offering a wide array of loans and mortgages. IIFL Finance Ltd. makes managing money look easy, folks!

Burning brighter than a shooting star, it showed high trade and delivery quantity this week, impressive ROE of 19.4%, and a moderate PE of 12.0. And yes, you guessed it, they too closed above VWAP for two glorious days!

Sure, they have a tiny bit of a problem with their Gross NPA and Net NPA ratios, but with a strong EPS growth trend and sound financial health, we still think this finance force is ready to conquer!

For the quarter ending Mar 2023, IIFL Finance Ltd. reported a revenue of Rs.1,356 Cr, up 7.5% from Rs.1,260 Cr in the previous quarter (Dec 2022). The company’s net profit saw an impressive increase of 9.8%, growing to Rs.270 Cr from Rs.246 Cr in the previous quarter.

For the last four quarters (Apr 2022 – Mar 2023), IIFL Finance reported a combined revenue of Rs.5,200 Cr and a net profit of Rs.1,000 Cr. In the previous four quarters (Apr 2021 – Mar 2022), the company reported a revenue of Rs.4,800 Cr and a net profit of Rs.920 Cr. This reflects a year-over-year increase of 8.3% in revenue and 8.7% in net profit.

In conclusion, all three companies demonstrated steady growth when comparing the last four quarters to the previous four quarters. Dhanalaxmi Roto Spinners saw the highest growth in terms of both revenue and net profit percentages, while Hindustan Aeronautics boasts the highest values in absolute terms.

EMA Crossing Stocks: Stocks On the Rise

Exponential Moving Averages (EMA) can provide valuable insights for investors. One key signal to watch out for is the 20-day EMA crossing the 50-day EMA from below – a bullish indicator, suggesting short-term price increases. Here are some stocks that have recently showcased this positive trend.

1. Foce India Ltd.

Sector: Consumer Durables

  • 20 EMA: 518.90
  • 50 EMA: 515.17
  • Gap %: 0.72
  • Close: 607.00
  • Change %: 4.66

2. V2 Retail Ltd.

Sector: Retailing

  • 20 EMA: 83.08
  • 50 EMA: 82.56
  • Gap %: 0.63
  • Close: 103.50
  • Change %: 6.76

3. Central Depository Services (India) Ltd.

Sector: Finance

  • 20 EMA: 999.90
  • 50 EMA: 996.09
  • Gap %: 0.38
  • Close: 1068.90
  • Change %: 2.93

4. TCI Express Ltd.

Sector: Logistics

  • 20 EMA: 1529.33
  • 50 EMA: 1523.74
  • Gap %: 0.37
  • Close: 1620.55
  • Change %: 2.10

5. Associated Alcohols & Breweries Ltd.

Sector: Alcohol

  • 20 EMA: 368.58
  • 50 EMA: 367.64
  • Gap %: 0.26
  • Close: 389.35
  • Change %: -0.19

6. Kalyani Investment Company Ltd.

Sector: Finance

  • 20 EMA: 1787.36
  • 50 EMA: 1783.75
  • Gap %: 0.20
  • Close: 1847.55
  • Change %: 1.19

7. Incredible Industries Ltd.

Sector: Iron & Steel

  • 20 EMA: 20.58
  • 50 EMA: 20.55
  • Gap %: 0.15
  • Close: 21.35
  • Change %: 4.91

Monitor these stocks and use this information in your decision-making process. Keep in mind, while EMAs provide valuable insights, they should be used in combination with other indicators and data.

(Please note that investment always comes with risk. Always do your research before making any investment decisions.)

RSI Radar: 12 Stocks Making Waves

The Relative Strength Index (RSI), a crucial momentum indicator, helps investors identify potential price reversals, and overbought or oversold conditions. It ranges from 0 to 100, with readings below 30 considered oversold and above 70, overbought. Here, we consider a 14-day RSI and highlight 12 stocks with noteworthy movements.

1. EPL Ltd.

Sector: Plastic Products

  • Current RSI: 64.84
  • Previous RSI: 48.88
  • Recent Close: $199.80
  • Change %: 10.17

2. UCO Bank

Sector: Banking

  • Current RSI: 58.90
  • Previous RSI: 43.87
  • Recent Close: $27.80
  • Change %: 5.70

3. Kalyan Jewellers India Ltd.

Sector: Diamond & Jewellery

  • Current RSI: 58.66
  • Previous RSI: 48.49
  • Recent Close: $108.70
  • Change %: 2.89

4. Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Ltd.

Sector: Telecom

  • Current RSI: 58.53
  • Previous RSI: 48.38
  • Recent Close: $63.75
  • Change %: 3.74

5. Aarti Drugs Ltd.

Sector: Healthcare

  • Current RSI: 57.73
  • Previous RSI: 47.53
  • Recent Close: $454.65
  • Change %: 4.09

6. Nocil Ltd.

Sector: Chemicals

  • Current RSI: 55.36
  • Previous RSI: 47.71
  • Recent Close: $225.80
  • Change %: 2.66

7. Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd.

Sector: Fast Moving Consumer Goods

  • Current RSI: 54.80
  • Previous RSI: 49.58
  • Recent Close: $1610.90
  • Change %: 1.22

8. Amara Raja Batteries Ltd.

Sector: Automobile & Ancillaries

  • Current RSI: 54.43
  • Previous RSI: 43.94
  • Recent Close: $621.45
  • Change %: 3.39

9. Fortis Healthcare Ltd.

Sector: Healthcare

  • Current RSI: 53.86
  • Previous RSI: 48.54
  • Recent Close: $278.85
  • Change %: 1.51

10. Zydus Lifesciences Ltd.

Sector: Healthcare

  • Current RSI: 53.63
  • Previous RSI: 44.59
  • Recent Close: $513.40
  • Change %: 2.21

11. Linde India Ltd.

Sector: Industrials Gases & Fuels

  • Current RSI: 53.31
  • Previous RSI: 48.87
  • Recent Close: $3994.30
  • Change %: 0.96

12. Gujarat Ambuja Exports Ltd.

Sector: Agriculture

  • Current RSI: 52.28
  • Previous RSI: 43.54
  • Recent Close: $252.25
  • Change %: 4.21

In conclusion, keep an eye on these stocks for potential trading opportunities. The RSI, like any other indicator, is not infallible and should be used in conjunction with other indicators and market data when making investment decisions. Always do your research and consider your financial position before investing in any stock.

(Please note that investment always comes with risk. Always do your research before making any investment decisions.)

8 High-Potential Stocks You Can’t Afford to Ignore Today!

If you are on the lookout for your next lucrative investment, you’re in the right place. Here, we have a carefully selected list of stocks that have recorded higher delivery today, closed above their previous high, and have a bullish Commodity Channel Index (CCI) indicator. Grab your notebook and get ready to jot down these investment opportunities.

1. Aarti Drugs Ltd. (AARTIDRUGS, NSE)

In the healthcare sector, Aarti Drugs stands tall. The pharmaceutical giant has shown positive signs, including:

  • Higher Delivery Quantity
  • Closing Above Previous High
  • Bullish CCI

2. AMJ Land Holdings Ltd. (AMJLAND, NSE)

A leading name in the realty sector, AMJ Land Holdings is a smart choice for savvy investors. The construction and real estate giant have exhibited:

  • Higher Delivery Quantity
  • Closing Above Previous High
  • Bullish CCI

3. Anjani Foods Ltd. (511153, BSE)

A finance sector gem, Anjani Foods is exhibiting the bullish signs investors are looking for:

  • Higher Delivery Quantity
  • Closing Above Previous High
  • Bullish CCI

4. Ansal Housing Ltd. (507828, BSE)

Another winner in the realty sector, Ansal Housing Ltd. is gaining momentum. Its positive indicators include:

  • Higher Delivery Quantity
  • Closing Above Previous High
  • Bullish CCI

5. Anupam Finserv Ltd. (530109, BSE)

In the finance sector, Anupam Finserv has caught the attention of keen investors:

  • Higher Delivery Quantity
  • Closing Above Previous High
  • Bullish CCI

6. Archidply Industries Ltd. (ARCHIDPLY, NSE)

For those interested in construction materials, Archidply Industries has proven itself a strong contender:

  • Higher Delivery Quantity
  • Closing Above Previous High
  • Bullish CCI

7. Balu Forge Industries Ltd. (531112, BSE)

Balu Forge, a name to reckon with in the capital goods sector, shows all the signs of a promising investment:

  • Higher Delivery Quantity
  • Closing Above Previous High
  • Bullish CCI

8. Bansal Roofing Products Ltd. (538546, BSE)

Also in the capital goods sector, Bansal Roofing Products is set to make a splash:

  • Higher Delivery Quantity
  • Closing Above Previous High
  • Bullish CCI

Final Thought

Investing is all about taking calculated risks and keeping a keen eye on the market. These stocks show promising indicators and may just be your next big win in the investing world. Stay ahead of the curve and keep these stocks on your radar!

Happy investing!

(Remember, investment always comes with risk. Always do your research before making any investment decisions.)

June F&O: Top 4 Stocks with Rising Long Positions

The stock market is a whirlwind of numbers, charts, and percentages. It is a symphony composed of various market indicators that define the potential course of stocks. Today, let’s take a closer look at four stocks that are lighting up our charts, exhibiting a promising increase in Open Interest, a key indicator of long positions in the market.

As May 2023 waves goodbye, we get a sneak peek into four remarkable stocks showing promising long positions in the Indian market. Let’s explore these promising contenders in more detail.

City Union Bank Ltd. (CUB)

As a leader in the private banking sector, City Union Bank Ltd. stands tall with an impressive Open Interest of 29,820,000. It’s seen a noticeable change of 1,650,000, marking a 5.86% increase. With a closing price at INR 125.15, the bank continues to solidify its position in the market.

Birlasoft Ltd. (BSOFT)

Navigating the IT Software industry, Birlasoft Ltd. demonstrates a robust Open Interest of 9,334,000. A promising increase of 296,000 or 3.28% since last time. It closed at INR 343.50, revealing a promising trend for investors.

The India Cements Ltd. (INDIACEM)

In the Cement and Construction Materials sector, The India Cements Ltd. secures a respectable Open Interest of 17,518,900. Witnessing a change of 388,600 or 2.27% in Open Interest, and closing at INR 202.35, INDIACEM showcases steady growth.

Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd. (BALRAMCHIN)

Representing the Agriculture sector, specifically sugar, Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd. boasts an Open Interest of 6,873,600. Although the change stands at a modest 41,600 (0.61%), it closed at a healthy INR 392.70.

In conclusion, these stocks present lucrative opportunities based on their ‘New Long’ status. Yet, always remember investing comes with its risks. Be sure to conduct your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Each of these stocks, with their respective increases in Open Interest, suggests strong long-term positions from the market participants, making them an interesting focus for investors looking to explore fresh avenues. Keep these names in your radar for potential growth and profitable investment opportunities.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be viewed as any kind of recommendation. The data mentioned in the article has been retrieved as of May 31, 2023, and might vary with time. Investment in the stock market carries risk, and it’s crucial to consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

June 2023: 10 Rising Mid-Cap Stocks to Watch

In ‘June 2023: Rising Mid-Cap Stocks to Watch’, discover which sectors are hot right now. This list of 10 stocks can guide your investment decisions!

Capital Goods, Textiles, and Beyond: A Diverse Performance Roster, Rising Mid-Cap Stocks to Watch

May’s mid-cap market saw a diverse array of sectors making remarkable strides. Here are the standout performers:

  1. Disa India Ltd. – An expert in the Capital Goods sector, Disa has made significant strides this month.
    • Sector: Capital Goods
    • Industry: Engineering – Industrial Equipment
    • CCI: 333.53 (Previous CCI: -87.13)
    • Closing price: 8343.65 INR
    • Change percentage: 4.14%
  2. Indo Count Industries Ltd. – With a firm foothold in the textile industry, Indo Count has woven its way to impressive gains.
    • Sector: Textile
    • Industry: Textile
    • CCI: 170.24 (Previous CCI: -4.26)
    • Closing price: 172.95 INR
    • Change percentage: 9.84%
  3. NRB Bearings Ltd. – A key player in the Automobile & Ancillaries sector, NRB has smoothly shifted gears into an upward trend.
    • Sector: Automobile & Ancillaries
    • Industry: Bearings
    • CCI: 169.11 (Previous CCI: -75.31)
    • Closing price: 161.05 INR
    • Change percentage: 11.61%
  4. Expleo Solutions Ltd. – In the bustling field of Information Technology, Expleo has coded its way to success.
    • Sector: Information Technology
    • Industry: IT – Software
    • CCI: 130.35 (Previous CCI: -47.94)
    • Closing price: 1520.00 INR
    • Change percentage: 9.08%
  5. Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd. – Powering through the Power sector, Jaiprakash has harnessed the energy of success.
    • Sector: Power
    • Industry: Power Generation/Distribution
    • CCI: 96.21 (Previous CCI: -0.99)
    • Closing price: 6.00 INR
    • Change percentage: 3.45%
  6. SIS Ltd. – A part of the Miscellaneous sector, SIS showed a promising upwards trend in the market.
    • Sector: Miscellaneous
    • Industry: Miscellaneous
    • CCI: 84.07 (Previous CCI: -38.71)
    • Closing price: 397.25 INR
    • Change percentage: 3.22%
  7. Fairchem Organics Ltd. – As a player in the Chemicals industry, Fairchem Organics managed to create the right formula for success.
    • Sector: Chemicals
    • Industry: Chemicals
    • CCI: 79.76 (Previous CCI: -72.21)
    • Closing price: 1234.20 INR
    • Change percentage: 6.84%
  8. Kalpataru Projects International Ltd. – Holding its ground in the Infrastructure sector, Kalpataru Power turned up the voltage this month.
    • Sector: Infrastructure
    • Industry: Transmission Towers / Equipments
    • CCI: 76.75 (Previous CCI: -108.10)
    • Closing price: 537.10 INR
    • Change percentage: 3.11%
  9. Arvind Fashions Ltd. – In the Retailing sector, Arvind Fashions stitched together a successful performance.
    • Sector: Retailing
    • Industry: Retailing
    • CCI: 75.32 (Previous CCI: -101.49)
    • Closing price: 286.00 INR
    • Change percentage: 4.90%
  10. Techno Electric & Engineering Company Ltd. – In the Infrastructure field, Techno Electric engineered its way to the top.
    • Sector: Infrastructure
    • Industry: Engineering – Construction
    • CCI: 64.74 (Previous CCI: -70.96)
    • Closing price: 395.25 INR
    • Change percentage: 4.67%

This May, these companies have danced their way to the top with noteworthy performances. As always, while they have seen success recently, ensure to conduct your own research before making any investment decisions.

Disclaimer: The data provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be used as investment advice. Always conduct your own research or consult with a professional advisor before making investment decisions.

Bullish RSI Signals in F&O Stocks

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a critical technical indicator used by investors and traders to measure the speed and change of price movements of a security. Typically, the RSI calculates a ratio of recent upward price movements to the absolute price movement. It ranges between 0 to 100, with an RSI above 70 indicating that a stock is overbought and potentially overvalued, while an RSI below 30 signifies that it’s oversold or possibly undervalued.

By analyzing the RSI data of Futures & Options (F&O) stocks, we can predict potential price changes and detect bullish signs. In this instance, we focus on stocks with an RSI below 35, which could indicate a potential bullish swing in the market. The time period considered here to calculate the RSI is 14 days.

For today’s analysis, the stocks that came under this scan are Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd. (ABFRL) and Ipca Laboratories Ltd. (IPCALAB).

Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd. (ABFRL)

ABFRL, a significant player in the Retailing industry, has been displaying some interesting price movements. As of 23rd May 2023, its RSI stood at 34.21, showing a considerable increase from the previous 26.18. This rise in RSI could be a potentially bullish signal, indicating that the market might be underestimating the stock, and it could see an upward trend soon.

The closing price on the same date was INR 194.50, with a 2.45% change, which further supports the bullish sentiment. However, investors should maintain a watchful eye on the stock’s performance and align their investment decisions with their risk tolerance and financial goals.

Ipca Laboratories Ltd. (IPCALAB)

The Pharmaceuticals & Drugs sector is a crucial part of the Healthcare industry, with IPCALAB being a significant player. On 23rd May 2023, the RSI for IPCALAB was 33.45, a significant rise from its previous RSI of 28.79. This increase implies that the market sentiment towards the stock is changing and could be gearing towards a bullish trend.

Additionally, the stock closed at INR 689.10 on the day, with a change of 1.02%. Although this is a smaller percentage change compared to ABFRL, the movement in the RSI indicates a potential shift in the market sentiment.

Final Thoughts

While the RSI can be a powerful tool in predicting market trends, investors should always approach it as one part of a broader toolkit. Other factors such as the overall state of the market, sector performance, and company fundamentals should be considered alongside the RSI.

Given the current RSI data, both ABFRL and IPCALAB show potential for a bullish trend. Nevertheless, further analysis and careful monitoring of these stocks and market conditions are essential for investors. A blend of technical and fundamental analysis can provide the best chances for success in the unpredictable world of F&O trading.


This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. The data and analysis provided herein are believed to be accurate at the time of publication but are subject to change without notice. Investors should perform their own research and consider consulting with a professional financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

The use of technical analysis, including the use of the Relative Strength Index (RSI), is not a guarantee of future performance or results. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Investing in Futures & Options (F&O) involves significant risks, including the potential loss of the entire investment.

The author and publisher of this article disclaim any liability in connection with the use of this information and advise all individuals to consider their unique circumstances, risk tolerance, and financial situation before engaging in trading or investing activities.

Distinct Buy and Sell Deals in the Stock Market

In the dynamic world of the stock market, bulk deals play a significant role in shaping trading patterns and investor sentiment. These deals involve large quantities of stocks being bought or sold by distinct clients. In this article, we will explore recent data from the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and analyze distinct buy and sell deals where only one side of the transaction occurred for a particular security. Let’s dive into the details!

Distinct Buy Deals (No Sell Orders for the Security)

  • Symbol: ARHAM, Security Name: Arham Technologies Ltd
    • Buy Quantity: 57,000
    • Buy Price: 78.64
  • Symbol: GISOLUTION, Security Name: GI Engineering Solutions
    • Buy Quantity: 1,81,400
    • Buy Price: 30.05
  • Symbol: KOKUYOCMLN, Security Name: Kokuyo Camlin Limited
    • Buy Quantity: 5,40,000
    • Buy Price: 105.79
  • Symbol: MATRIMONY, Security Name: Matrimony.Com Limited
    • Buy Quantity: 1,35,495
    • Buy Price: 560.00
  • Symbol: MAXHEALTH, Security Name: Max Healthcare Ins Ltd
    • Buy Quantity: 75,50,000
    • Buy Price: 549.70
  • Symbol: PERFECT, Security Name: Perfect Infraengineer Ltd
    • Buy Quantity: 66,000
    • Buy Price: 22.53

Distinct Sell Deals (No Buy Orders for the Security)

  • Symbol: AURIONPRO, Security Name: Aurionpro Solutions Limit
    • Client Name: NARESH NAGPAL
    • Sell Quantity: 2,00,000
    • Sell Price: 718.35
  • Symbol: DPWIRES, Security Name: D P Wires Limited
    • Client Name: PREM CABLES PVT LTD
    • Sell Quantity: 2,26,000
    • Sell Price: 403.11
  • Symbol: GLAND, Security Name: Gland Pharma Limited
    • Sell Quantity: 9,60,271
    • Sell Price: 930.69
  • Symbol: KSHITIJPOL, Security Name: Kshitij Polyline Limited
    • Sell Quantity: 5,23,702
    • Sell Price: 11.85
  • Symbol: PARTYCRUS, Security Name: Party Cruisers Limited
    • Client Name: HITESH H ASHRA
    • Sell Quantity: 72,000
    • Sell Price: 54.35
  • Symbol: PARTYCRUS, Security Name: Party Cruisers Limited
    • Sell Quantity: 68,000
    • Sell Price: 54.35
  • Symbol: PARTYCRUS, Security Name: Party Cruisers Limited
    • Sell Quantity: 1,00,000
    • Sell Price: 54.35
  • Symbol: PERFECT, Security Name: Perfect Infraengineer Ltd
    • Client Name: MAHESH GUPTA
    • Sell Quantity: 1,74,000
    • Sell Price: 22.55

Conclusion Bulk deals in the stock market provide insights into significant transactions made by distinct clients. Analyzing the data of distinct buy and sell deals, we have identified specific securities where only one side of the transaction occurred. Understanding such trends can help investors gauge market sentiment and make informed decisions. It is important to remember that these deals are subject to various factors and market dynamics, so conducting further research and analysis is crucial when considering investment opportunities based on such information.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. Investing in the stock market involves risks, and individuals should seek professional guidance before making any investment decisions.